Dengue virus (DENV) is a mosquito- borne virus that has four sero types. Collectio n of serum from patien ts is time-and labor- consumi ng, and presents a high injury risk for infants and children. The genom ic and serologica l
diagnosis of imported dengue feve r from a urine sample was used as a non-invasive diag nostic method in this
study. A serum sampl e was colle cted on disease day 5, and a serum and urine sample were colle cted on disease
day 8 and 18. The results of serological tests for DENV IgM revealed that the serum samples were positive for DENV.
The results of RT-qPCR assay revealed tha t the serum sampl e collected on day 5 was DENV-po sitive; however, th e
serum sampl e collected on day 8 and 18 were negative for DENV. The urine sample colle cted on day 8 and 18 were
DENV-positive. We also sequenced the complete DENV genome (10723 bp) from the urine sample (GenB ank
KF479233). The results of phylogenetic and epide miological analysis indicated strong confirmatio n tha t the strai n
was located within the DENV-2 group with a 100% boo tstrap value. In this report , we (1) provided the first evidence
of a DENV infection that was impor ted from India to a non-endemic city of China, (2) inve stigated the DENV
genome dete ction having a longer timeframe for positive detection in urine sample compared to previous studies,
(3) pr ovided th e seque nce results for the complete DENV-2 genome from a concen trated urine sampl e (4) discus sed
how virus-typing results could be used to manage the risk of sero -specific and re-infected travel-associated
dengue fever.
Keywords: DENV-2, Dengue virus serotype 2, Imported disease , Complete genom e, Dengue fever, Secon dary
infection, Travel-associat ed disease, Urine