Further, CS seems to have apositive effect on customer loyalty. In deed customer satisfaction leads to customer loyalty which results in better business performance(KotlerandKeller2012:27).
In time the satisfaction is changed in to loyalty and the refore CS has been identified as a key driver for CL.
Only the most satisfied customers stay as the loyal customers in the long term(Berman and Evans2012). In a study related to the impact of CS on CL,(Lin and Niu,2009) showed that CS has measurable impact on CL in
that when satisfaction reaches a certain level on the high side, loyalty increases dramatically ; at the same time, when satisfaction falls to a certain point, loyalty reducese qually dramatically. Previous studies(Bolton etal.,2000; Fornell and Wernerfelt,2002) revealed that the higher level of customer satisfaction toward the company, the higher is the level of loyalty.