2. Contract no: AXXXXXXXX(X)
3. Trade Date: DD MMMM YYYY
4. Fixed Price Seller (Floating Price Payer): BP SINGAPORE PTE. LIMITED (CRN
5. Floating Price Seller (Fixed Price Payer): XXXXXX
6. Reference Commodity: DUBAI CRUDE OIL
7. Pricing Period: From and including DD MMMM YYYY up to and including DD MMMM YYYY
8. Notional Quantity: XX,XXX METRIC TONNE(S)
9. Fixed Price per Pricing Period: XXXXXX US dollars per metric tonne.
10. Floating Price per Pricing Period:
The arithmetic average of the mean quotes for XXXXXX under the heading SINGAPORE - MARKET LOCATION as published by Platts Asia-Pacific/Arab Gulf Marketscan for each successive day during the pricing period
Any published corrections to any of the relevant quotations shall be taken into account.
The final price shall be rounded to THREE (3) decimal places (with rounding up where the
next decimal place is "5" or greater).