Lois calls the remaining men and demands answers about what happened in Las Vegas. Fisher desperately makes up a story about Adam sleeping with a prostitute, and not for the first time. But Boyd, suspecting that Lois does not believe them and will call the police, invades her home that night; they clash violently and he kills her. He then calls Fisher and Moore to bring Michael to the house, where he quietly shoots him dead before rejoining Fisher and Moore in the car. He concocts an alibi about a Michael/Lois/Adam love triangle to answer any interrogation by police. Fisher and Laura are awarded custody of Adam and Lois' sons, but they are conned out of most of Adam's life-insurance policy by the tax office taking advantage of Adam's rightly-timed death. Fisher breaks down and confesses the story to Laura privately, but she shrugs most of it off and insists that the wedding will proceed as planned.