I'm sincere, I just read your first message I got angry, I told you want a reply from me to figure out whether to choose me or another .......... can not believe it. Can I have understood that bad as long as we were together? then fortunately I reread the message and realized, even after this your latest message that you wanted from me only the certainty of tomorrow. I honestly, I did this all the unknowns that I can give you, all the distances do not feel the not see us, the not being able to hug, kiss, not the make love (with you was wonderful), in short, many sorrows , the only thing I can tell you is that I love you immensely. Are you beautiful days, few unfortunately, but beautiful for me with you. You're a very sweet woman, intelligent and you've seen the love for me .. I love you, I can only tell you this with all honesty. I do not know what life holds for me, or can we expect the life going forward, I do not want you promese, I want you to decide the best thing, especially for you. Only one thing I can tell you with certainty that what I felt and I feel for you I had never happened in my entire life. Even if you were to tell me you prefer a life "NORMAL" along with another person, I would not be, or rather I could never hate you because I understand your reasons. But one thing I want to reiterate clearly .... I LOVE YOU ... IMMENSELY ....INTENSELY ..... and all that nothing and nobody can ever take it away. you are my patatina