Remove grinder screw 141200 (Figure 8.6) using the internal ejector mechanism, pulling lever 006410 (Figure 5.3) in direction (A) until the grinder screw has left its housing. Finish removing it manually, gripping it with one hand by blade shaft 213910 (Figure 8.6) and pulling it out with the other hand positioned under the screw.
Check that machine access doors 056420, 056430 and 053400 (Figure 5.5) are fully closed and wash the inside of grinder body 141550 (Figure 10.6), feed screw 044290 (Figure 8.8) and the walls of the hopper and, in general, all parts that may come into contact with the product, as well as the outside of the machine, thoroughly with warm water at approximately 40°C mixed with neutral, biodegradable, non-abrasive, slightly alkaline (approximately pH8 and pH10) detergent.