There are many stages in one's life, and the most considerable and difficult stage is adolescence. "Adolescence" is defined as: "the transitional period between childhood and adulthood in human development extending mainly over the teen years, also the process or state of growing to maturity and development as of a society, preceding maturity" ("Adolescence" In other words, adolescence is an intermediate stage with children emerging from immaturity to maturity. In the childhood stage, children follow parents by sharing their feelings and expressing their emotions to maintain parallelism and it makes parents easy to nurture their children. Conversely, in the adolescence stage, teenagers start to think themselves as individuals. They start creating their own world by keeping secrets, having relationships and making their decisions without their parents. Adolescents have various internal conflicts. In the meantime, it challenges parents to accept adolescents' sudden behavioral changes and parent their children in an appropriate way.