conversant in the lingua franca of the indigeneous population and to sample the local delicacies. Those experiences would be indelible from my mind and will always be among my most cherished memories.When my growth has achieved maturity, I hope to fulfill the aspiration I have long nurtured which is to become a world traveller, an explorer of unexplored regions, a discoverer of unknown civillizations, a treader of exotic destinations and the savorer of outlandish cultures from distant lands. The ancient land of Egypt is something that has always gripped my imagination and inspired my thoughts. Everything about it seems to be so wonderful, so magnificent, so astonishing, supercallifragilisticexpiallidocious. I crave to touch the sand, the soil, the very dirt which contains the essence of this extraordinary land. I wish to take a sojourn on the back of the legendary dromedary, to be conversant in the lingua franca of the indigeneous population and to sample the local delicacies. Those experiences would be indelible from my mind and will always be among my most cherished memories.