F 1. What is your name? Jennifer P. Maderazo.
_____ 2. Where do you come from? Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain.
_____ 3. How old are you? 20 years old.
_____ 4. Why are you studying in this school?
mother is an Australian, grandparents live here in Queensland
_____ 5. What classes are taking up? Social Science, English, art
_____ 6. Why are you studying English? necessary for work
_____ 7. What do you like about this school?
friendly classmates, schoolmates, helpful teachers
_____ 8. What do you dislikes about this school? food at the canteen
_____ 9. What do you do in your free time?
stays in the library and learns more English words
_____ 10. What are your plans for the future? successful lawyer