A square-wave cathodic stripping voltammetry method for alanine determ การแปล - A square-wave cathodic stripping voltammetry method for alanine determ แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

A square-wave cathodic stripping vo

A square-wave cathodic stripping voltammetry method for alanine determination as its phenylthiohydantoin
(PTH-alanine) derivative is developed. To this end, all the chemical and instrumental variables
affecting the determination of PTH-alanine are optimized. From studies of the mechanisms governing
the electrochemical response of PTH-alanine, it was concluded that it is an electrochemically irreversible
system with a diffusive-adsorptive reduction phenomenon. Under optimal conditions, the variation of
analytical signal (Ip) with PTH-alanine concentration is linear in the 2.4  108  4.8  107 M range,
with a LOD of 1.2  108 M and a LOQ of 4.2  108 M, a RSD (%) less than 11%, and a Er (%) less than
10%. The optimized method was applied to the determination of PTH-alanine obtained from a synthetic
protein after Edman reaction and the results were corroborated by high-performance liquid chromatography
with UV detection.
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ผลลัพธ์ (แอฟริกา) 1: [สำเนา]
A vierkante golf katodiese stroping voltammetrie metode vir die bepaling alanien as sy phenylthiohydantoin
(PTH-alanien) afgeleide ontwikkel. Vir hierdie doel, al die chemiese en instrumentale veranderlikes
is wat die bepaling van PTH-alanien new. Van studies van die meganismes regerende
die elektrochemiese reaksie van PTH-alanien, was dit die gevolgtrekking gekom dat dit 'n elektrochemies onomkeerbaar
stelsel met 'n diffusieve-adsorptieve vermindering verskynsel. Onder optimale toestande, die variasie van
analitiese sein (IP) met PTH-alanien konsentrasie lineêr in die 2,4? 10? 8? 4.8? 10? 7 M reeks,
met 'n LOD van 1,2? 10? 8 m en 'n LOQ van 4,2? 10? 8 M, 'n RSD (%) minder as 11%, en 'n Er (%) minder as
10%. Die optimale metode is toegepas om die bepaling van PTH-alanien verkry van 'n sintetiese
proteïene na Edman reaksie en die resultate is bevestig deur 'n hoë-prestasie vloeistofchromatografie
met UV opsporing.
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