It was a beautiful day; the sun was shining, there wasn’t a cloud in sight. The birds were singing, as they flew around happily. Oh did you forget to mention you’re a zombie? Yup a zombie, well half zombie, for some strange reason you were warmer than the rest of the zombies, and every now and then you heard a beat from your heart. So what does a zombie do when there are no humans around, well they shamble around, and every so often you would bump into another zombie. The life of a zombie is a boring one, and it stayed boring until you met R. R was your best friend, he walked around with you, he even showed you his home, in this case an airplane. He played songs, while you both just sat there, you wanted to talk to him, but there were only a few words you could say. So you decided to just stare awkwardly at him, you really didn’t think he minded though. He must have noticed you staring at him, because he turned to look at you. You quickly turned around, you were surprisingly shy for a zombie, but you wanted to talk to him.
“H-hungry.” You stuttered quietly.
Nailed it!
He just nodded in agreement, you tried to smile, but it just ended up looking creepy. Well what do you expect, you’re a zombie and zombies are creepy. Oh how you wished to feel like a human again, to do the things a human does. What they actually did, you didn’t know, but you wanted to do what they did anyways.
Well time to go walk around some more!
You got up, and grabbed R’s arm pulling him slowly outside. You two then joined the group, and began to wander aimlessly around. You would pass countless Bonies, no matter how many times you would see them; they still managed to creep you out. You felt a hand grab yours; you looked over to R, who was looking down at your connected hands.
“Th-thanks!” you said then smiled as best as you could. R smiled back, then turned his head forward, as the group walked on. The group walked for hours until it became dark, and most of the zombies went inside. Apparently none of them liked to wander around at night, mostly because of the Bonies. So you and R walked back to his house/airplane. Since zombies don’t sleep you and R just sat down and looked forward all night.
Thump thump!
Another two heartbeats, you were getting closer to a human. Maybe you could talk more, let’s try it.
“B-bored, a-and h-hungry!” you mumbled. R turned to you, he wasn’t surprised you could say more than one word. You both got up, you were a lot faster, than R, and you grabbed his hand, pulling him outside. Again joining the group, you and R walked hand in hand, luckily R had wiped some blood on you to trick the other zombies into thinking you were still one of them. He knew you are almost human, if not already a full human. The only way to find out if you were completely human, was to cut you, to see if you bleed, but he couldn’t do that to you. He noticed you tensed up, so he looked forward, only to see a group of humans, with guns. Everyone except you, ran towards the humans, you couldn’t hurt them, something told you to stay there. You watched all of your zombie friends, except R, get shot in the head. R must have been hidden somewhere else, or he grabbed a human already, and is eating their brains. A blonde girl looked at you, she raised her gun, aiming it at you, and pulled the trigger.
“OW!” you muttered, clutching your head with one hand. R was leaning over you, he glanced at your shoulder.
“B-blood.” He said, pointing to your bleeding bullet hole, in your shoulder.
“Don’t be ridiculous R! I can’t be bleeding I’m a-“ you touched your fingers to your shoulder, only to find blood all over your fingers.
“R! I’M BLEEDING!” you yelled, jumping up to hug him. You wrapped your arms around his torso, and slowly he put his arms around you. You were so happy, that you bounced up and pecked his lips.
“I’m a human!”
“Y-yes.” He said, giving you a small smile.
“Now, we have to get you human!” you exclaimed putting your hands on your hips.
This will be fun…