The Seed Shooting Game was used due to its suitability to assess the impact of the five learning objectives.
Certain aspects relating to the learning objectives were highlighted or augmented, but the story for interest was maintained.
The learning curve is heightened when the students are interested and the data outcome supports this hypothesis.
The first draft of the AR 3D pop-up book has been evaluated by five educational technologists.
The feedback requested involved what needed to be changed such as the colour of the text and objects within the graphics which needed to be clearer on the computer screen.
These issues were revised and other important factors such as the quality of the sound and graphics including their colour, and the flow of the story.
Each combined were considered appropriate to assess the impact and assessment of the learning objectives as the basis for the project.
Basically the end product being the AR popup book was developed through comprehensive research to establish a foundation research tool to provide the platform for accurate quantitative data development and analysis.
To be more succinct no stone was left unturned in this important research project.
The demonstration and evaluation of story on each page are as follows: