ฉันรักแปลTransport Costs and RatesTransport systems face requirements to increase their capacity and to reduce the costs of movements. All users (e.g. individuals, enterprises, institutions, governments, etc.) have tonegotiate or bid for the transfer of goods, people, information and capital because supplies, distribution systems, tariffs, salaries, locations, marketing techniques as well as fuel costs are changing constantly. There are also costs involved in gathering information, negotiating, and enforcing contracts and transactions, which are often referred as the cost of doing business. Trade involves transactions costs that all agents attempt to reduce since transaction costs account for a growing share of the resources consumed by the economy.Frequently, enterprises and individuals must take decisions about how to route passengers or freight through the transport system. This choice has been considerably expanded in the context of the production of lighter and high value consuming goods, such as electronics, and less bulky production techniques. It is not uncommon for transport costs to account for 10% of the total cost of a product. This share also roughly applies to personal mobility where households spend about 10% of their income for transportation, including the automobile which has a complex cost structure. Thus, the choice of a transportation mode to route people and freight within origins and destinations becomes important and depends on a number of factors such as the nature of the goods, the available infrastructures, origins and destinations, technology, and particularly their respective distances. Jointly, they define transportation costs.
Transport costs are a monetary measure of what the transport provider must pay to produce transportation services. They come as fixed (infrastructure) and variable (operating) costs, depending on a variety of conditions related to geography, infrastructure, administrative barriers, energy, and on how passengers and freight are carried. Three major components, related to transactions, shipments and the friction of distance, impact on transport costs.
Transport costs have significant impacts on the structure of economic activities as well as on international trade. Empirical evidence underlines that raising transport costs by 10% reduces trade volumes by more than 20%. In a competitive environment where transportation is a service that can be bided on, transport costs are influenced by the respective rates of transport companies, the portion of the transport costs charged to users.
Rates are the price of transportation services paid by their users. They are the negotiated monetary cost of moving a passenger or a unit of freight between a specific origin and destination. Rates are often visible to the consumers since transport providers must provide this information to secure transactions. They may not necessarily express the real transport costs.
The difference between costs and rates either results in a loss or a profit from the service provider. Considering the components of transport costs previously discussed, rate setting is a complex undertaking subject to constant change. For public transit, rates are often fixed and the result of a political decision where a share of the total costs is subsidized by the society. The goal is to provide an affordable mobility to the largest possible segment of the population even if this implies a recurring deficit (public transit systems rarely make any profit). It is thus common for public transit systems to have rates that are lower than costs. For freight transportation and many forms of passenger transportation (e.g. air transportation) rates are subject to acompetitive pressure. This means that the rate will be adjusted according to the demand and the supply. They either reflect costs directly involved with shipping (cost-of-service) or are determined by the value of the commodity (value-of-service). Since many actors involved in freight transportation are private rates tend to vary, often significantly, but profitability is paramount.2. Costs and Time ComponentsTransportation offers a spectrum of costs and level of services, which results in substantialdifferences across the world. The price of a transport service does not only include the direct out-of-the-pocket money costs to the user but also includes time costs and costs related to possible inefficiencies, discomfort and risk (e.g. unexpected delays). However, economic actors often base their choice of a transport mode or route on only part of the total transport price. For example, motorists are biased by short run marginal costs. They might narrow down the price of a specific trip by car to fuel costs only, thereby excluding fixed costs such as depreciation, insurance and vehicle tax. Many shippers or freight forwarders are primarily guided by direct money costs when considering the price factor in modal choice. The narrow focus on direct money costs is to some extent attributable to the fact that time costs and costs related to possible inefficiencies are harder to calculate and often can only be fully assessed after the cargo has arrived. Among the most significant conditions affecting transport costs and thus transport rates are:
• Geography. Its impacts mainly involve distance and accessibility. Distance is commonly the most basic condition affecting transport costs. The more it is difficult to trade space for a cost, the more the friction of distance is important. It can be expressed in terms of length, time, economic costs or the amount of energy used. It varies greatly according to the type of transportation mode involved and the efficiency of specific transport routes. Landlocked countries tend to have higher transport costs, often twice as much, as they do not have direct access to maritime transportation. The impact of geography on the cost structure can be expanded to include several rate zones, such as one for local, another for the nation and another for exports.
• Type of product. Many products require packaging, special handling, are bulky or perishable. Coal is obviously a commodity that is easier to transport than fruits or fresh flowers as it requires rudimentary storage facilities and can be transshipped using rudimentary equipment. Insurance costs are also to be considered and are commonly a function of thevalue to weight ratio and the risk associated with the movement. As such, different economic sectors incur different transport costs as they each have their own transport intensity. With containerization the type of product plays little in the transport cost since rates are set per container, but products still need to be loaded or unloaded from the container. For passengers, comfort and amenities must be provided, especially if long distance travel is involved.
• Economies of scale. Another condition affecting transport costs is related to economies of scale or the possibilities to apply them as the larger the quantities transported, the lower the unit cost. Bulk commodities such as energy (coal, oil), minerals and grains are highly suitable to obtain lower unit transport costs if they are transported in large quantities. For instance, moving a barrel of oil over 4,000 km would cost $1 on a 150,000 deadweight tons tanker ship and $3 on a 50,000 deadweight tons tanker ship. A similar trend also applies to container shipping with larger containerships involving lower unit costs.
• Energy. Transport activities are large consumers of energy, especially oil. About 60% of all the global oil consumption is attributed to transport activities. Transport typically account for about 25% of all the energy consumption of an economy. The costs of several energy intensive transport modes, such as air transport, are particularly susceptible to fluctuations in energy prices.
• Trade imbalances. Imbalances between imports and exports have impacts on transport costs. This is especially the case for container transportation since trade imbalances imply the repositioning of empty containers that have to be taken into account in the total transport costs. Consequently, if a trade balance is strongly negative (more imports than exports), transport costs for imports tend to be higher than for exports. Significant transport rate imbalances have emerged along major trade routes. The same condition applies at the national and local levels where freight flows are often unidirectional, implying empty backhaul movements.
• Infrastructures. The efficiency and capacity of transport modes and terminals has a direct impact on transport costs. Poor infrastructures imply higher transport costs, delays and negative economic consequences. More developed transport systems tend to have lower transport costs since they are more reliable and can handle more movements.
• Mode. Different modes are characterized by different transport costs, since each has its own capacity limitations and operational conditions. When two or more modes are directly competing for the same market, the outcome often results in lower transport costs.Containerized transportation permitted a significant reduction in freight transport rates around the world.
• Competition and regulation. Concerns the complex competitive and regulatory environment in which transportation takes place. Transport services taking place over highly competitive segments tend to be of lower cost than on segments with limited competition (oligopoly or monopoly). International competition has favored concentration in many segments of the transport industry, namely maritime and air modes. Regulations, such as tariffs, cabotage laws, labor, security and safety impose additional transport costs, particularly in developing countries.
• Surcharges. Refer to an array of fees, often set in an arbitrary fashion, to reflect temporary conditions that may impact on costs assumed by the transporter. The most common are
ระบบต้นทุนและ RatesTransport ฉันรักแปลTransport หน้าต้องเพิ่มกำลังการผลิต และลดต้นทุนของการเคลื่อนไหว ผู้ใช้ทั้งหมด (เช่นบุคคล องค์กร สถาบัน รัฐบาล ฯลฯ) มี tonegotiate หรือประมูลสำหรับการโอนย้ายสินค้า คน ข้อมูล และเงินทุน เพราะวัสดุ ระบบกระจาย ภาษี เงินเดือน ตำแหน่ง เทคนิคการตลาด ตลอดจนต้นทุนเชื้อเพลิงเปลี่ยนแปลงตลอดเวลา นอกจากนี้ยังมีต้นทุนเกี่ยวข้องในการรวบรวมข้อมูล การเจรจาต่อ รอง และการบังคับใช้สัญญา และธุรก รรม ซึ่งมักจะเรียกว่าเป็นต้นทุนของการทำธุรกิจ ทางการค้าเกี่ยวข้องกับธุรกรรมต้นทุนที่ตัวแทนทั้งหมดพยายามลดตั้งแต่บัญชีธุรกรรมต้นทุนสำหรับหุ้นเติบโตของทรัพยากรที่ใช้ โดยเศรษฐกิจ บ่อย องค์กรและบุคคลต้องดำเนินการตัดสินใจเกี่ยวกับวิธีการกระบวนผลิตผู้โดยสารหรือขนส่งผ่านระบบขนส่ง ขยายตัวเลือกนี้ในบริบทของการผลิตของบริโภคสินค้า เช่นอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ และน้อย กว่าเทคนิคการผลิตขนาดใหญ่มูลค่าสูง และมีน้ำหนักเบามาก มันไม่ใช่เรื่องแปลกสำหรับต้นทุนการขนส่งให้ 10% ของต้นทุนรวมของผลิตภัณฑ์ ใช้ร่วมกันนี้ใช้กับบุคคลเคลื่อนที่ครัวเรือนใช้จ่ายประมาณ 10% ของรายได้ของพวกเขาสำหรับการขนส่ง รถยนต์ที่มีโครงสร้างต้นทุนที่ซับซ้อนรวมถึงยังหยาบ ๆ ดังนั้น การเลือกโหมดการขนส่งกระบวนการผลิตคนและการขนส่งภายในจุดเริ่มต้นและจุดหมายปลายทางเป็นสำคัญ และขึ้นอยู่กับหลายปัจจัยเช่นลักษณะของสินค้า โครงสร้างพื้นฐานมี ต้นกำเนิด และสถานที่ท่องเที่ยว เทคโนโลยี และโดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งระยะทางของแต่ละ ร่วมกัน พวกเขาสามารถกำหนดต้นทุนการขนส่งต้นทุนการขนส่งการเงินวัดสิ่งที่ผู้ให้บริการขนส่งต้องชำระเพื่อผลิตพาหนะได้ พวกเขามาเป็นถาวร (โครงสร้าง) และต้นทุนผันแปร (ปฏิบัติ) ขึ้นอยู่กับความหลากหลายของเงื่อนไขที่เกี่ยวข้อง กับภูมิศาสตร์ โครงสร้าง จัดการ อุปสรรค พลังงาน และวิธีทำผู้โดยสารและขนส่ง ประกอบหลักสาม ธุรกรรม การจัดส่ง และแรงเสียดทานของระยะทาง ผลกระทบจากต้นทุนการขนส่งต้นทุนขนส่งมีผลกระทบอย่างมีนัยสำคัญ ในโครงสร้างของกิจกรรมทางเศรษฐกิจรวม ทั้ง ในการค้าระหว่างประเทศ ใต้หลักฐานประจักษ์ว่า เพิ่มต้นทุนการขนส่ง 10% ลดปริมาณการค้ากว่า 20% ในสภาพแวดล้อมการแข่งขันที่ขนส่งเป็นบริการที่สามารถ bided ใน ต้นทุนขนส่งเป็นผลมาจากราคาที่เกี่ยวข้องของบริษัทขนส่ง ส่วนของต้นทุนขนส่งที่เรียกเก็บกับผู้ใช้ราคาค่าบริการขนส่งที่จ่ายเองได้ จะเจรจาเงินย้ายเป็นผู้โดยสารหรือหน่วยขนส่งระหว่างแหล่งกำเนิดสินค้าเฉพาะและปลายทาง ราคามักมองผู้บริโภคเนื่องจากการขนส่งผู้ให้บริการต้องให้ข้อมูลนี้เพื่อธุรกรรม พวกเขาอาจไม่จำเป็นต้องแสดงต้นทุนการขนส่งที่แท้จริงThe difference between costs and rates either results in a loss or a profit from the service provider. Considering the components of transport costs previously discussed, rate setting is a complex undertaking subject to constant change. For public transit, rates are often fixed and the result of a political decision where a share of the total costs is subsidized by the society. The goal is to provide an affordable mobility to the largest possible segment of the population even if this implies a recurring deficit (public transit systems rarely make any profit). It is thus common for public transit systems to have rates that are lower than costs. For freight transportation and many forms of passenger transportation (e.g. air transportation) rates are subject to acompetitive pressure. This means that the rate will be adjusted according to the demand and the supply. They either reflect costs directly involved with shipping (cost-of-service) or are determined by the value of the commodity (value-of-service). Since many actors involved in freight transportation are private rates tend to vary, often significantly, but profitability is paramount.2. Costs and Time ComponentsTransportation offers a spectrum of costs and level of services, which results in substantialdifferences across the world. The price of a transport service does not only include the direct out-of-the-pocket money costs to the user but also includes time costs and costs related to possible inefficiencies, discomfort and risk (e.g. unexpected delays). However, economic actors often base their choice of a transport mode or route on only part of the total transport price. For example, motorists are biased by short run marginal costs. They might narrow down the price of a specific trip by car to fuel costs only, thereby excluding fixed costs such as depreciation, insurance and vehicle tax. Many shippers or freight forwarders are primarily guided by direct money costs when considering the price factor in modal choice. The narrow focus on direct money costs is to some extent attributable to the fact that time costs and costs related to possible inefficiencies are harder to calculate and often can only be fully assessed after the cargo has arrived. Among the most significant conditions affecting transport costs and thus transport rates are:• Geography. Its impacts mainly involve distance and accessibility. Distance is commonly the most basic condition affecting transport costs. The more it is difficult to trade space for a cost, the more the friction of distance is important. It can be expressed in terms of length, time, economic costs or the amount of energy used. It varies greatly according to the type of transportation mode involved and the efficiency of specific transport routes. Landlocked countries tend to have higher transport costs, often twice as much, as they do not have direct access to maritime transportation. The impact of geography on the cost structure can be expanded to include several rate zones, such as one for local, another for the nation and another for exports.• Type of product. Many products require packaging, special handling, are bulky or perishable. Coal is obviously a commodity that is easier to transport than fruits or fresh flowers as it requires rudimentary storage facilities and can be transshipped using rudimentary equipment. Insurance costs are also to be considered and are commonly a function of thevalue to weight ratio and the risk associated with the movement. As such, different economic sectors incur different transport costs as they each have their own transport intensity. With containerization the type of product plays little in the transport cost since rates are set per container, but products still need to be loaded or unloaded from the container. For passengers, comfort and amenities must be provided, especially if long distance travel is involved.• Economies of scale. Another condition affecting transport costs is related to economies of scale or the possibilities to apply them as the larger the quantities transported, the lower the unit cost. Bulk commodities such as energy (coal, oil), minerals and grains are highly suitable to obtain lower unit transport costs if they are transported in large quantities. For instance, moving a barrel of oil over 4,000 km would cost $1 on a 150,000 deadweight tons tanker ship and $3 on a 50,000 deadweight tons tanker ship. A similar trend also applies to container shipping with larger containerships involving lower unit costs.
• Energy. Transport activities are large consumers of energy, especially oil. About 60% of all the global oil consumption is attributed to transport activities. Transport typically account for about 25% of all the energy consumption of an economy. The costs of several energy intensive transport modes, such as air transport, are particularly susceptible to fluctuations in energy prices.
• Trade imbalances. Imbalances between imports and exports have impacts on transport costs. This is especially the case for container transportation since trade imbalances imply the repositioning of empty containers that have to be taken into account in the total transport costs. Consequently, if a trade balance is strongly negative (more imports than exports), transport costs for imports tend to be higher than for exports. Significant transport rate imbalances have emerged along major trade routes. The same condition applies at the national and local levels where freight flows are often unidirectional, implying empty backhaul movements.
• Infrastructures. The efficiency and capacity of transport modes and terminals has a direct impact on transport costs. Poor infrastructures imply higher transport costs, delays and negative economic consequences. More developed transport systems tend to have lower transport costs since they are more reliable and can handle more movements.
• Mode. Different modes are characterized by different transport costs, since each has its own capacity limitations and operational conditions. When two or more modes are directly competing for the same market, the outcome often results in lower transport costs.Containerized transportation permitted a significant reduction in freight transport rates around the world.
• Competition and regulation. Concerns the complex competitive and regulatory environment in which transportation takes place. Transport services taking place over highly competitive segments tend to be of lower cost than on segments with limited competition (oligopoly or monopoly). International competition has favored concentration in many segments of the transport industry, namely maritime and air modes. Regulations, such as tariffs, cabotage laws, labor, security and safety impose additional transport costs, particularly in developing countries.
• Surcharges. Refer to an array of fees, often set in an arbitrary fashion, to reflect temporary conditions that may impact on costs assumed by the transporter. The most common are
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