Note that most installation issues can be solved by turning off User Account Control (Vista) and running the file "FF7OpenGL.reg" in the "Final Fantasy VII" folder.
*Also note that the patch puts shortcuts in your start menu--the game must be run via these shortcuts for the mods to work properly.
If your game crashes upon startup or does not work properly, post a comment explaining the problem and providing the following information:
Your Operating System (and whether or not UAC is turned off, if applicable)
The console debug info provided by the FF7Music Console (you can see the FF7Music console by alt+tabbing while running the game) and/or the contents of "app.log" (use the "code" tags)
The directory your game is installed into.
...and I'll be able to help you out.
If you have ff7 in a language other than English, you're going to need to install one of my multi-language compatibility packs found right under the download link. Currently, Spanish, German, and French are supported, but I'm afraid that the AI/Kernel/Flevel mods are currently English only.
Walking in the footsteps of Miracle.Flame before me, I've spent the last few months perfecting a simple .exe patch for all current mods of Final Fantasy VII. Previously, I've been forced to have to share this patch via bittorrent due to the large filesize (~1.79 GB), but thanks to the generosity of DragonShadow of, I can present this patch to everyone.
I'm aware that there are presently so many mods on the scene that compiling *all* of them would be impossible due to overlap, so I've been careful to choose only ones that stay true to the original game concept.
I'll try my best to stay on top of any new mods and incorporate them into future updates.
I'd like to stress to all of the current avid Qhimm modders that this is not in any way intended to be the "ultimate" group of FF7 mods, I'd consider it more as a good starting point for somebody who wants an enhanced FF7PC install minus the hours upon hours of forum searching and file downloading that it entails.
Since the original version, I've included added support for 64-bit operating systems, and eliminated program dependencies (such as loopbe and the truemotion and Indeo codecs thanks to Aali's driver). This installer effectively adds all FF7 controls to the start menu by utilizing script files that make running and configuring FF7PC Remix possible at the click of a mouse.
To see a sample of this patch in action/view tutorials, look here.
Here's a quick rundown of the mods/patches/enhancements included:
Code: [Select]