dramma and literature
Dramma as a literary is realized in performance, which is why Robert describes it as "stage art" as a literary from it is designed for the theatre because characters are assigned roles and they act out their roles as the action is enacted on stage. These characters can be human begin begin dead or spiritual begins, animals, or abstract qualities.
Dramma is an adaptation, recreation and reflection of reality on stage. Generally, the word, dramatist is used for any artist who is involved in any dramatic composition either in writting or in performance.
Drama is differrent from other genres of literature. it has unique characteristics that have come about in response to its peculiar nature.
really it is dificult to separate drama from performance because during the stage performance of a play drama, bring life experiences realistically to the audience.
It is most concrete of all genres of literature . when you are reading a novel, you read a story as told by the novelist.