The authors belong to Hyderabad Karnataka area, availability of aggregates is day by day becoming scarce,
abundant quantum of lateritic stone is available in this area specially in the Bidar district of Hyderabad Karnataka
area, out of motivation this work under consideration is taken up by the authors. Cement concrete is a versatile building construction material
in civil engineering and it is also one of the world’s most extensively used construction material around the world in almost all construction
projects and in many construction applications. Currently the problems faced by the use of cement concrete includes high demand
of cement concrete, cost of cement and concrete making materials, pollution, excessive extraction and utilization of natural river sand and
stones, water etc. Because the sand is being extensively extracted from the river bed deposits, it is depleting at a faster rate. Hence it is necessary
to find an alternative material such as industrial waste slag and waste pieces of stones from the stone quarries in the cement concrete
production. In this research work concrete of grade m 20 is used. While steel slag is replace by fine aggregate and laterite by coarse aggregate.
Partially replacement of steel slag is made for the varying percentages of 0%, 30%, 40%, and 50%. The result shows that optimum percentage
replacement of fine aggregate by steel slag is 40% at this particular point in our study the maximum compressive strength is achieved, beyond
this limit the compressive strength of concrete starts decreasing but still it is more compared to normal concrete without any replacement.