What does this "creative reading" refer to? Or what does it do to us readers? How does it work? At any rate, it is meant to inspire us, to stir our imaginative thoughts, and generate alertness in our minds. Otherwise, we may fall asleep while reading, or forget everything after we've read the text. Also, creative reading should help us focus on grammar and style, and how do they help the writer render his message to the readers.
We must discipline our reading. We have to learn and stay focused and alert. Yes, we can choose the things we want to read, though, and read at our very own pace, without any pressure from the outside.
We should also pay great attention to what we're reading, and avoid looking up words in the dictionary, because this might interrupt our process. Also, when doing creative reading, we should not be interrupted by any outside elements, such as phones, computer messages, and so on. A great idea is to read with paper and pen nearby, and put down everything that may seem of relevance to us, no matter how zany those ideas might appear. Who knows what they might lead to!