The sun has completely fallen, the corners of the Imperial castle become encased in darkness. 2 Empire soldiers were on patrol around the perimeter of the building leading to the dungeon. Some kind of torch-like fire magic was burning brightly in their hands, they’re paying a lot of attention towards the darkness in case of intruders.
[Ha~a, the upper brasses party should be around this time…...I bet they’re eating delicious food….]
[Oi, don’t talk about meaningless things. If it’s found out, we’ll both be held responsible]
The soldiers sigh was mixed in with his grumbling as he looked towards the light of the other soldier further up ahead. Though both of them were frowning, their expression’s were due to different reasons. If anything, the atmosphere was like the feeling of “becoming even hotter because you’ve complained about the heat being hot.” In the back of their heads, they both released a complain.
[Though however, you’ve also woken up early, you’d also want to attend those kinds of things?]
[......Well yeah. though If we were allowed to go, there would be the problem of not having money nor a woman…..]
[Thats right~. After eating and getting drunk at the party, they’ll be playing with the ladies until morning? It’s like heaven. Ah~, rather than some meaningless patrolling, I want to embrace women~. The Usagininzoku women would be good~]
[You like Usagininzoku women right. Although all the other Demi-human women have nice bodies, the only thing you think about at the brothels are the Usagininzoku]
[That’s because those guys are the best out of the bunch when threatening them. They cry out in a good voice]
[That’s a rather distasteful hobby…..]
[What are you talking about. Don’t you think that the Usagininzoku’s just give out a, please tease me, aura? I’m only granting that wish. Even you like to crush countless people down]
[There’s no helping it though? They cry out in a good voice]
The 2 patrolling soldiers looked at one another in interest and began laughing out vulgarly.
In the Empire, the fact that Demi-humans were considered tools won’t change. In order to release their stress and sexual desires, there were many variety of tools that they could use. Therefore, these 2 are special, not through their sadistic characters though, it could be said that it was commonsense that every Empire soldier had the tendency of liking to shame their partner.
Then, at that time, one of the soldiers gave out a voice and expression as if they saw something unknown in the shadows of the buildings.
[N? …..Oi, just now, something…..]
[Ah? What is it?]
While thrusting out the torch before himself, the soldier was moving towards the buildings shadow. The other soldier also followed along while voicing out his doubt.
The first soldier proceeded to say, [Is anyone there?], but there was a gap in the buildings that was just barely big enough to fit one person! he turned the torch of fire towards it.
However, there wasn’t the figure of the shadow he had seen awhile ago, [Did I see wrong……], he muttered as he sighed in relief. Then, he turned around to look at his comrade while smiling wryly……
[My bad, I saw wr-.........? Oi, Maul? Where are you? Maul?]
His comrade was not there, only the torch that he held was on the ground where he was once standing. Where did he go, the soldier looked around restlessly throughout the vicinity, however there wasn’t any shadow’s of a person. Then he felt a cold sensation running through his spine.
He began to feel fear welling up, the soldier went to pick up the torch that was suddenly fallen on the ground and called out to his comrade in high tension……
[Oi, Maul. Quit joking arou----gu!?]
At that moment, two arms expanded without a sound from the gap in the buildings that no one was at earlier.
A black frosted knife that absorbed even light was being gripped in one of the hands which seemed to have grown out directly from the darkness, simultaneously, one hand covered up the soldiers mouth, and with the other, stabbed him through his medulla oblongata *its a part of your brain*.
In an instant, the soldier’s body that was convulsing started relaxing as strength left his body and disappeared into the darkness as it was dragged by the two arms.
And before anyone noticed, the torch that he was trying to pick up had disappeared and nothing was left, only a lukewarm evening wind blowing softly.
A small whisper can be heard from the wind in the darkness.
[HQ, this is Alpha. Suppression of Point C is complete]
[Alpha, this is HQ. Roger that. Move towards Point E. There are 4 sentinels. Sneak around from the East]
[HQ, this is Alpha. Roger that]
After whispering that, two or more people wrapped in black clothes from head to toe, starts moving one after the other.
Though they tightly concealed their faces with a black cloth, only their eyes were clear so that they could see, a sharp gaze was peeping out from there, in addition, they had two small swords bundled on their backs. If they were seen by a Japanese person they would probably say, [Ah~, a Ninja!].
But, even if you can’t identify the specific individual, unfortunately their true identities could easily be seen though. That’s because overhead of the covers you could see 2 grown Usamimi’s standing tall. No matter how you looked at it they were clearly Usagininzoku, the Hauria tribe.
They were concealing themselves under the darkness and shadows of buildings. they quietly peeped their face through there and saw the reported 4 sentinels which were broken into 2 pairs. A hand signal is sent towards the 3 people who were behind the Haura tribe member that called HQ a while ago.
The 3 people nodded in unison and slipped back, they disappeared into the dark as if they melted completely.
After waiting for a few seconds. From the place that was pointed to, ~Chika~ one of the sentinel's glances deviated! and lights twinkled. Similarly, they didn’t actually enter the sentinel’s view, one of the Hauria opened a lid of a lighter-sized container for in an instant. This had a Green Light Stone inside which imitated a flashlight.
The Hauria which saw the signal began to move while issuing orders with hand signals towards the 2 behind him.
The moment the 2 sentinels were out of eachothers eyesights, they lowered their presence to the limit and quickly approached, one person covers the soldiers mouth and nose while the other stabbed him through his medulla oblongata, another also thrusts through the other soldier’s kidney while restraining him with one hand similarly and knocking him down to the ground.
The last person was taking the torches that the sentinels dropped and put out its fire and confirmed that there are no traces left. Then they dragged the bodies into the shadows of the buildings quickly.
However, as expected due to the long silence from the other pair, the 2 sentinels, [N?], turned their glance.
The appearance of their comrades which they glanced at earlier were no longer there. There’s not even light from the torch, only darkness. [Where did those guys go?], the sentinels looked hard with doubtful expressions, they managed to see a shadow that moved faintly in the darkness. It was the figure of something big being dragged.
[Anyway, this is bad!], the sentinel stretched out his hand to reach the alarm whistle which hung on his neck……
In the next instant, a knife was stabbed into the sentinel’s neck, there was no time to scream nor time to feel pain, his consciousness drifted into eternal darkness.
Next to the sentinel which held his whistle, similarly was his comrade who was also stabbed by a knife and dead. At the same time, the torches were put out and they dragged the bodies into the shadows of the building.
Presently, similar slaughters were being carried out everywhere at the Imperial castle.
A lot of stationed soldiers which were in pairs of two or more have already experienced an eternal separation from their bodies, soldiers who were sleeping in the barracks were drugged with sleeping pills made in the Sea of Trees which put them into a deep slumber. Even if the alarm was sounded, they’ll still be sleeping until morning and there fatigue would be fully relieved.
A crescent moon is now floating in the evening sky.
It’s other name was “The 2nd Moon”, where it was so thin that you can kinda see it but kinda not as well. *I don’t think I got this part correct at all lol, 別名“二日月”と呼ばれる新月の翌日に昇る見えるか見えないかくらいの極細の月だ*
It was exactly like the smile of demon.
The people who praised the principle that strength reigned supreme and cursed the weak, seemed to be completely laughed at under the moon.