63 As a practical expedient, an entity need not adjust the promised amount of
consideration for the effects of a significant financing component if the entity
expects, at contract inception, that the period between when the entity transfers
a promised good or service to a customer and when the customer pays for that
good or service will be one year or less.
64 To meet the objective in paragraph 61 when adjusting the promised amount of
consideration for a significant financing component, an entity shall use the
discount rate that would be reflected in a separate financing transaction
between the entity and its customer at contract inception. That rate would
reflect the credit characteristics of the party receiving financing in the contract,
as well as any collateral or security provided by the customer or the entity,
including assets transferred in the contract. An entity may be able to determine
that rate by identifying the rate that discounts the nominal amount of the
promised consideration to the price that the customer would pay in cash for the
goods or services when (or as) they transfer to the customer. After contract
inception, an entity shall not update the discount rate for changes in interest
rates or other circumstances (such as a change in the assessment of the
customer’s credit risk).
65 An entity shall present the effects of financing (interest revenue or interest
expense) separately from revenue from contracts with customers in the
statement of comprehensive income. Interest revenue or interest expense is
recognised only to the extent that acontract asset (or receivable) or a contract
liability is recognised in accounting for a contract with a customer.
Non-cash consideration
66 To determine the transaction price for contracts in which a customer promises
consideration in a form other than cash, an entity shall measure the non-cash
consideration (or promise of non-cash consideration) at fair value.
67 If an entity cannot reasonably estimate the fair value of the non-cash
consideration, the entity shall measure the consideration indirectly by reference
to the stand-alone selling price of the goods or services promised to the customer
(or class of customer) in exchange for the consideration.
68 The fair value of the non-cash consideration may vary because of the form of the
consideration (for example, a change in the price of a share to which an entity is
entitled to receive from a customer). If the fair value of the non-cash
consideration promised by a customer varies for reasons other than only the
form of the consideration (for example, the fair value could vary because of the
entity’s performance), an entity shall apply the requirements in
paragraphs 56–58.
69 If a customer contributes goods or services (for example, materials, equipment
or labour) to facilitate an entity’s fulfilment of the contract, the entity shall
assess whether it obtains control of those contributed goods or services. If so,
the entity shall account for the contributed goods or services as non-cash
consideration received from the customer.