Mulberry management is simple. Mulberry trees are not irrigated
but are usually fertilized 2–3 times a year with specially
produced mulberry compound fertilizers (mixture of nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium), available in local markets, at a rate of
0.25 kg/plant/year. Silkworms are reared four times a year. Since
the young silkworms are reared together before distributing to
farmers, farmers need to rear silkworms for only around 16–20
days each rearing season. For each rearing season, the mulberry
leaves are all picked except for 5–6 leaves on the top of each branch.
The first season usually starts in April and the last usually ends in
late October. After leaves fall and the mulberry plants go into
dormancy, usually from December to February, branches are cut
back to about 5–10 cm above where they sprout. Pruning of
mulberry trees is an important management operation. Pruning
promotes sprouting of new branches and limits the height of new
branches so that picking leaves is easy. Pruning is also important for
disease and insect control. After pruning, the ends are usually
treated with lime liquid. No pesticides are used. After pruning,
fertilization with organic fertilizers is also an important management
measure in order to obtain high leaf biomass the next year.
Organic fertilizers used include silkworm excrements, compost,
and farm yard manure.