Incorporation of WGF into wheat flour significantly affected the
physicochemical properties and steaming performance of the
blends. Flour replacement at different levels (from 0 up to 12%) by
WGF changed the pasting and rheological characteristics of the
blends, dough microstructure, CSB physical, sensory and textural
properties. The trend and the extent of effects of WGF on the indexes
mentioned above depend on the extent of flour substitution.
Addition of WGF to flours resulted in a shortening effect for dough
machinability. Caution should be paid to addition level of WGF
because of the adverse increase in solid-like properties of the
dough, which may reduce expansion during fermentation and
steaming. Enrichment with WGF led to lower changes in viscoelastic
properties of dough than pure wheat flour and had negative
effects on physical quality and sensory evaluation of CSB. Addition
of WGF over 9% is not recommended because of a strongly brown
color, hard texture and unsatisfactory taste. The present study
indicated that CSB made with the mixed flour of wheat flour and
WGF had acceptable sensory properties and the addition level of
WGF is up to 6% of flour.