Many parameters such as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), and total dissolved solids (TDS), total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) showed significant difference in treated and untreated wastewaters, listed in Table 1. Concentration of phosphorus was found sufficient to support algal growth in both treated and untreated wastewater. Hillebrand and Sommer [17] recommended 46.1:7.7:1 mass ratio of C:N:P for algal growth, whereas in this study the wastewater used had N:P ratio of 0.928:1 and 4.6:1 for treated and untreated wastewater, respectively, which indicated treated wastewater as N limitation media. The wastewaters used were considered as favorable for production of algal lipids as other researcher had also found that the stress of N deficiency increased the lipid content in algal cell [29]. Other parameters of wastewater for present study were found within safe range.