- Cereal or cornflake. The corn thin sheet frame topped with milk. A good breakfast. For those who may not have time to eat breakfast. In addition to be delicious, also have energy and cornflake have low fat and will get rich nutrients.
- Fish is rich in omega 3. Which affects the efficiency of the brain directly. It is also the meat with no fat. That certainly does not make you fat
- Egg
breakfast popular tableware of many homes, whether they are fried egg, boiled eggs, poached eggs are a favorite food of many people, and foods that are nutrient-rich protein, vitamin B12 and zinc also helps. Create a memory And tissue repair of the brain. It is good for health, but it certainly was a little caution is to not eat "yolk" too much because it will cause cholesterol levels to rise easily.
- Rice
Rice has helped to make the body's digestive system is functioning properly. It is a carbohydrate that helps recharge the morning for us as well.