Nanobiotech and bionanotech present a $117bn opportunity in healthcare. Coupled with the loT, wearables and robotics, these advancements are driving a Copernican revolution in life science.
Some tech trends, like DIY health, are enabling a power shift to enable patients to have more control and access to information. At the same time, consumers are re-evaluating their lifestyle choices in more mindful ways.
More affluent consumers are switching off from their digital devices to avoid contracting the Digital Obesity disease. They are compartmentalising their day to experience more of the real, rather than Digital Self.
With leading scientists such as Stephen Hawking warning that artificial intelligence (Al) poses a real threat to humanity, we believe technology should be used to augment rather than replace human capability. There
are ways to ensure that Al does not supersede biological intelligence - we could use chip implants to increase our brain power beyond its 5% average, chemically enhance biological neural networks and incorporate mind expansion programmes from early childhood.