2. Materials and methods
2.1. Plant materials
Arabidopsis thaliana wild-type (Col-0), SA-insensitive mutant
npr1-5 (CS3724) [11], and JA-insensitive mutant atmyc2
(SALK_039235) [12] were used. Arabidopsis seeds were sown on
rockwool blocks (2.5 cm 2.5 cm 3.8 cm) and incubated at 22 C
in an incubator (11.8 Wm2
/16 h/d).
2.2. Treatment of Arabidopsis plants with iturin A or iturin A
derivative peptides
Iturin A was purchased from Sigma (Tokyo, Japan). Iturin A derivative
peptides, NH2-(L-Asn)-(D-Tyr)-(D-Asn)-(L-Gln)-(L-Pro)-(DAsn)-(L-Ser)-COOH
(ATAGPAS), NH2-(L-Asn)-(D-Tyr)-(D-Asn)-(LGln)-COOH
(ATAG), and NH2-(D-Asn)-(L-Gln)-(L-Pro)-(D-Asn)-
COOH (AGPA), were synthesized by Greiner Bio-One (Tokyo, Japan).
The concentrations of iturin A and the derivative peptides were
adjusted to 0.01 mg/ml with 0.02% Tween 20. Each solution or
water was applied to a rosette leaf of 30-day Arabidopsis seedlings
by spraying (1 ml each). The seedlings were incubated at 25 C for
the indicated periods in an incubator (11.8 Wm2
/14 h/d).
2. Materials and methods2.1. Plant materialsArabidopsis thaliana wild-type (Col-0), SA-insensitive mutantnpr1-5 (CS3724) [11], and JA-insensitive mutant atmyc2(SALK_039235) [12] were used. Arabidopsis seeds were sown onrockwool blocks (2.5 cm 2.5 cm 3.8 cm) and incubated at 22 Cin an incubator (11.8 Wm2/16 h/d).2.2. Treatment of Arabidopsis plants with iturin A or iturin Aderivative peptidesIturin A was purchased from Sigma (Tokyo, Japan). Iturin A derivativepeptides, NH2-(L-Asn)-(D-Tyr)-(D-Asn)-(L-Gln)-(L-Pro)-(DAsn)-(L-Ser)-COOH(ATAGPAS), NH2-(L-Asn)-(D-Tyr)-(D-Asn)-(LGln)-COOH(ATAG), and NH2-(D-Asn)-(L-Gln)-(L-Pro)-(D-Asn)-COOH (AGPA), were synthesized by Greiner Bio-One (Tokyo, Japan).The concentrations of iturin A and the derivative peptides wereadjusted to 0.01 mg/ml with 0.02% Tween 20. Each solution orwater was applied to a rosette leaf of 30-day Arabidopsis seedlingsby spraying (1 ml each). The seedlings were incubated at 25 C forthe indicated periods in an incubator (11.8 Wm2/14 h/d).2.
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