The toxicity effects of TCS on gains in biomass and shell diameter
(days 14 and 28) as well as effect on total food intake of A. fulica
are shown in Figs. 1–3. All NOEC values are presented in Table 1.
After 14-d and 28-d exposure, the biomass and shell diameter
growth of A. fulica in the 40 mg kg1 and above treatments were
significantly reduced (p < 0.05; ANOVA; Figs. 1 and 2). After a 28-
d exposure, the total food intake in the 40 mg kg1 and above
treatments were significantly reduced (p < 0.05; ANOVA; Fig. 3).
Based on the statistical analysis, the NOECs of TCS for the biomass,
shell diameter growth, and total food intake were 24 mg kg1. The
NOEC of TCS for 28-d survival was 200 mg kg1. After a 14-d exposure,
there was no mortality in any treatment. Therefore, the 14-d
acute EC50 for survival of A. fulica was much larger than
340 mg kg1.1.