The selection of slaughterhouses was based on thegeographical position and practical design of theslaughterhouses, and the companies’ willingne ss toparticipate. A total of 12 industrial slaughterhouses(in the following designated from A to L) in fiveEuropean Union member states were selected. Byrequest of one of the participating countries, thecountry of origin will not be presented by name, butthe location of slaughterhouses per country was asfollows: Country 1, slaughterhouses A and B;Country 2, C and D; Country 3, E and F; Country 4,G; Country 5, H–L.The number of slaughter lines used for pig slaugh-tering ranged from one to four per slaughterhouse.Nine of the slaughterhouses had only one line, andsamples were generally collected from the same linethroughout the study period. Slaughterhouse E hadtwo integrated lines, where carcasses during some
The occurrence and epidemiology of Salmonella in European pig slaughterhouse (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed May 6, 2016].