Objective : To study the emergency department survival outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients,
the rates of hospital admission, who are received Emergency Medical Service of Bhumibol Adulyadej
Hospital (KumKlao rescue team).
Methods : Descriptive study, reviewed cases from EMS record and OPD card in 195 out-of- hospital cardiac
arrest patients during the May, 1st 2009 to September, 30th 2010 at Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital.
Results : 195 out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients were enrolled in this study.There were 41 patients who
received the initial resuscitation by EMS personnel (KumKlao rescue team) and 5 of them had survival to
hospital admission, 11 of them had ROSC (34.4 %) over other patient delivered alternatively such cases
delivered by relatives, other rescue units, and other ambulances. According to the hypothesis testing by
means of statistical model Chi Square Fisher’s Exact Test, shows that channel of patient delivery results
statistically significantly to the success of the resuscitation at emergency room or outcome of patient
(P value = 0.012). In addition, the causes of cardiac arrest between Trauma and Non-trauma have statistically
significantly to the outcome of patients (P value = 0.009).
Conclusions : Cardiac arrest classified as emergency. Most of events are often occur as unwitnessed arrest.
If patients receiving the resuscitation correctly and promptly. The survival rate is certainly increased.
Patients who delivered by KumKlao rescue team have significantly rising the rate of survival to hospital
admission. Includes, patients had return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) over other patients deliveried
alternatively such cases delivered by relatives, other rescue units, and other ambulances. Thus, if out-ofhospital
cardiac arrest patients can be received resuscitation properly from Emergency Medical Service,
who skill-trained and follow the principle on well, to rise the survival outcome.
Key words : Cardiac arrest, Resuscitation rate, Admission rate, Survival rate,