As clarified from the beginning, this study assumes that
information and material flow in opposite directions within
supply chain pipeline with material having forward flow while
information having backward flow. However, today the flows of
both information and material have expanded into both directions.
The development of the concept of reverse logistics denotes
that the material flow is now going back backward as used
finished goods are delivered from the point of consumption to
the point of origin for possible recycling, remanufacturing, or
disposal (Sarkis, 2003). In supporting the reverse logistics, the
flow of information also needs to go forward as manufacturers
need to provide clear product information to make recycling
processes easier when the product’ s life ends (Ferguson and
Browne, 2001). Future studies can explore the bi-directional flows
of material and information which may need a different model of
supply chain integration
As clarified from the beginning, this study assumes thatinformation and material flow in opposite directions withinsupply chain pipeline with material having forward flow whileinformation having backward flow. However, today the flows ofboth information and material have expanded into both directions.The development of the concept of reverse logistics denotesthat the material flow is now going back backward as usedfinished goods are delivered from the point of consumption tothe point of origin for possible recycling, remanufacturing, ordisposal (Sarkis, 2003). In supporting the reverse logistics, theflow of information also needs to go forward as manufacturersneed to provide clear product information to make recyclingprocesses easier when the product’ s life ends (Ferguson andBrowne, 2001). Future studies can explore the bi-directional flowsof material and information which may need a different model ofsupply chain integration
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