Ethanolic extract of four medicinal plants Polygonum microcephalum, Moringa oleifera,
Croton tiglium and Gomphrena globosa were examined for antioxidant activity, and phenol
and flavonoid content. Total phenol and flavonoid content and DPPH radical scavenging
activity of the extracts were spectrophotometrically determined. Catechol, Quercetin, and
ascorbic acid were taken as standard in case of phenol, flavonoid content and antioxidant
activity respectively. The total phenol and total flavonoid content was observed highest in
P. microcephalum. The DPPH radical scavenging activity was highest in M. oleifera. There
observed a relationship between phenol and flavonoid content but failed to show
relationship between phenolic content and antioxidant activity of the ethanol extracts of the
Ethanolic extract of four medicinal plants Polygonum microcephalum, Moringa oleifera,Croton tiglium and Gomphrena globosa were examined for antioxidant activity, and phenoland flavonoid content. Total phenol and flavonoid content and DPPH radical scavengingactivity of the extracts were spectrophotometrically determined. Catechol, Quercetin, andascorbic acid were taken as standard in case of phenol, flavonoid content and antioxidantactivity respectively. The total phenol and total flavonoid content was observed highest inP. microcephalum. The DPPH radical scavenging activity was highest in M. oleifera. Thereobserved a relationship between phenol and flavonoid content but failed to showrelationship between phenolic content and antioxidant activity of the ethanol extracts of theplants.
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