Cutaneous and respiratory symptoms among professional cleaners
Occupational dermatitis is very common and has a large economic impact. Cleaners are at an increased
risk for both work-related cutaneous and respiratory symptoms.
Aims To compare the prevalence of occupational cutaneous symptoms among professional indoor cleaners
to other building workers (OBW) and to determine associations with exposures and with respiratory
symptoms among cleaners.
Methods A questionnaire completed by indoor professional cleaners and OBWto compare rash and respiratory
symptoms between these groups examined workplace factors such as training, protective equipment
and work tasks.
Results In total, 549 of the 1396 professional cleaners (39%) and 593 of the 1271 OBW (47%) completed
questionnaires. The prevalence of rash was significantly higher in the cleaners compared to the OBW.
For male cleaners, 21% (86/413) had a rash in the past 12 months compared to only 11% (13/115) of
OBW (P , 0.05). The rashes experienced by the cleaners were more likely to be on their hands and
worse at work. Cleaners washed their hands significantly more often than OBW. Cleaners with a rash
were less likely to have received workplace training regarding their skin and were more likely to find the
safety training hard to understand. Cleaners with a rash within the past year were significantly more
likely to have work-related asthma symptoms than cleaners without a rash (P , 0.001).
Conclusions This study demonstrates a strong link between work-related symptoms of asthma and dermatitis
among cleaners. Effective preventive measures, such as the use of protective skin and respiratory
equipment, should be emphasized.
Key words Asthma; gloves; hand washing; occupational dermatitis; occupational health; protective equipment;
rash; workplace training; work-related asthma
Cutaneous and respiratory symptoms among professional cleanersOccupational dermatitis is very common and has a large economic impact. Cleaners are at an increasedrisk for both work-related cutaneous and respiratory symptoms.Aims To compare the prevalence of occupational cutaneous symptoms among professional indoor cleanersto other building workers (OBW) and to determine associations with exposures and with respiratorysymptoms among cleaners.Methods A questionnaire completed by indoor professional cleaners and OBWto compare rash and respiratorysymptoms between these groups examined workplace factors such as training, protective equipmentand work tasks.Results In total, 549 of the 1396 professional cleaners (39%) and 593 of the 1271 OBW (47%) completedquestionnaires. The prevalence of rash was significantly higher in the cleaners compared to the OBW.For male cleaners, 21% (86/413) had a rash in the past 12 months compared to only 11% (13/115) ofOBW (P , 0.05). The rashes experienced by the cleaners were more likely to be on their hands andworse at work. Cleaners washed their hands significantly more often than OBW. Cleaners with a rashwere less likely to have received workplace training regarding their skin and were more likely to find thesafety training hard to understand. Cleaners with a rash within the past year were significantly morelikely to have work-related asthma symptoms than cleaners without a rash (P , 0.001).Conclusions This study demonstrates a strong link between work-related symptoms of asthma and dermatitisamong cleaners. Effective preventive measures, such as the use of protective skin and respiratoryequipment, should be emphasized.Key words Asthma; gloves; hand washing; occupational dermatitis; occupational health; protective equipment;rash; workplace training; work-related asthma
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