An ionic metalloporphyrin of manganese tetrakis-(4-N-trimethylaminophenyl)porphyrin hexafluorophosphate
([MnIIITTMAPP][PF6]5, 1c), resided in the mixed ionic liquids (ILs) of [BzMIM]BF4 and
[BMIM]BF4, proved to be an efficient and recyclable catalytic system for styrene (derivative) epoxidations
without the involvement of the auxiliary axial ligands. The epoxidation rate in 1c–IL could be dramatically
promoted by addition of water. In the built-up 1c–IL–H2O system, the active manganese(V)-oxo porphyrin
intermediate (1d, 444 nm) was stabilized to facilitate its detection by a UV–vis spectrophotometer. And
the formation of the -oxo Mn(IV) porphyrin dimer (1e, 416 nm) was completely suppressed due to the
counteraction between 1c and the IL.