1.2. Powder technology-related issues in assessing and controlling
the dust explosion hazard
The present author has earlier (Eckhoff, 1997) emphasized the
importance of knowing powder science and technology when
taking measures to minimize the dust explosion hazard in the
process industries. There are some basic powder technologyrelated
issues that are essential for understanding dust explosions:
particle and powder characterization;
production of fine particles by crushing, grinding and abrasion;
powder mechanics (mechanical strength of powder deposits);
particle segregation in powder beds;
dust cloud generation/powder dispersion/powder fluidization.
First of all it is essential to know what a powder is. This includes
knowledge about properties of individual particles and bulk
materials, and how these properties are characterized. Secondly,
one must know how powders are being produced. Then knowledge
about how a powder layer or deposit can be transformed into a dust
cloud is required. Segregation processes by which fractions of fine
dust can be separated out and accumulate in certain places in
a process plant can give rise to dangerous situations, and must be
understood. Finally, it is essential to appreciate how some powder
technology-related properties of dust clouds influence both the
ease by which the clouds can be ignited, and the rate at which they
will burn. The most important properties are: