Auditions for 11 to 18 year oldsAdmission for International StudentsTuitionRoom & Board FeesScholarshipsRe-EnrollmentCompletion of Training
The School has an extensive scholarship program for students who have demonstrated professional potential and whose financial situations necessitate assistance with expenses. Scholarships range from ballet class tuition only, to awards to be applied to tuition, room and board expenses, transportation, and academic high school tuition. They are available to American and, in some cases, foreign students. Parents of students recommended by SAB's faculty for scholarship assistance must complete an application to determine whether their financial situations justify scholarship aid, and, if so, to what extent.
Conditions of Scholarship Awards
In accepting a scholarship, a student agrees not to study at any other school and not to attend auditions or to accept any amateur or professional performing engagement without the official approval of the School. A character reference from the previous academic school principal or teacher of academic studies is required of all first-time scholarship recipients. A student whose high school academic tuition is partially paid by SAB is required to have excellent attendance, behavior, and satisfactory grades. A poor academic record may deprive a student of both ballet and academic scholarships