investigated the stability of mango soy fortified yoghurt powder in aluminium laminated polyethylene (ALP) and high-density polypropylene (HDPP) pouches under accelerated storage conditions (38 ± 1°C, 90% RH). Jaya and Das [1] predicted the shelf life of mango powder packaged in aluminium foil-laminated pouches stored under an accelerated storage environment (38 ± 2°C and 90% RH). Packaging is therefore supposed to provide the correct environmental conditions an open access journal for shelf-life extension of foods, and as such, needs far greater thought and care than is customarily realized. Characteristics of the packaging materials such as mechanical and barrier properties are very important to decide on what type of material will be used in the packaging of different types of foods. Different studied have been reported for storage stability of fruits and vegetables such as Okra [5]; mushroom [6]; Tomata powder [7]; Paprika [8]; Walnut [9].