it was aimed to determine the views of elementary education students related to the science and technology teaching
process. The research was carried out with totally 182 students studying at 3 elementary education schools providing training for
students in a province in Turkey. In this research in which has survey model descriptive qualities, views of students were
collected through a semi-structured form including 4 questions. The first two questions of the interview form were for teaching
method, technique and strategies the students like and prefer, the third question was for the experiments conducted during the
process, and the fourth question was for the individual and/or group works. The data obtained from the student views were coded,
and their descriptive statistics such as percentage and frequency were calculated. According to the research result, it was
determined that the elementary education students enjoyed mostly of the method and techniques performed within the scope of
science lesson as experimentation, teaching through Vitamin Program (Turkish e-teaching program), presentation, problem
solving, taking the subject notes to a notebook and lecture method. The most common of the method, technique and strategies the
students want to be actualized during the science teaching process were experimentation, technology-aided teaching, activities
out of classroom (in nature) and more joyful methods and techniques according to the order of participation. Furthermore, most
of the students shared the troubles they feel from not experimenting, as they required. Whereas most of the students mentioned
that they preferred working in groups during the activities and experimentations they carried out within the scope of science
lesson, there were also the ones who mentioned that they preferred working individually or in groups.