Scoping: This step recognizes the key issues and impacts which further needs to be investigated and also
delineates the periphery and time limit of the study. (c) Impact Analysis: The third stage of EIA identifies and envisages
the likely ecological and social impact of the anticipated project and weighs upon the implication. (d) Mitigation:
Mitigation advocates the actions to lessen and steer clear of the possible adverse environmental upshots of
development activities. (e) Reporting: The end result of EIA is accounted in a form of a report to the decisionmaking
body and other concerned parties. (f) Review of EIA: It reviews the sufficiency and efficacy of the EIA report
and makes available the information essential for decision-making. (g) Decision-Making: It decides whether the project
is cast off, accepted or needs additional alterations. (h) Post Monitoring: This final step of EIA comes into play once
the project is bespoke. It tries to make certain that the impacts of the project does not go beyond the officially permitted
standards and execution of the mitigation measures are done in the manner as stated in the EIA report.