In respect of a proposed data collection system for the fuel consumption of ships, which could be used, inter alia, to estimate CO2 emissions, MEPC at its sixty-eighth session agreed that text prepared by the intersessional correspondence group34 should be further developed in the form of full language for the data collection system, which could be readily used for voluntary or mandatory application of the system. The core elements of the data collection system include
data collection by ships, functions of flag States in relation to data collection and the establishment of a centralized database by IMO. According to the
proposed text, data would be collected for ships of
5,000 GT and above and include the ship identification
number, technical characteristics, total annual fuel
consumption by fuel type and in metric tons, and
transport work and/or proxy data yet to be defined.
The methodology for collecting the data would be
outlined in the ship-specific SEEMP. Data, aggregated
into an annual figure, would be reported by the
shipowner/operator to the administration (flag State),
which would submit the data to IMO for inclusion in
a database, with access restricted to member States