Everyday Life / Profession:
Was the weekend with the Pisces Full Moon to your taste? If not, you will now welcome the Aries Moon as something positive. You leave your state of lethargy (if you had one) and feel inspired. You are ready to engage in a true heroic deed and feel encouraged afterward to follow this with even more heroic feats (Wednesday). On Thursday and Friday, the Taurus Moon warns you to be reasonable and can have a bit of a pacifying effect. But on the weekend, you are already in an active mode, want to report on your deeds and experiences, and spiritually connect with other people. Is there also the possibility of cooperation? If so, you will now especially like to help shape it.
Partnership / Love:
People will no longer be able to slow you down now. Mars and Venus have courted each other enough and will now be allowed to unite and merge, but also struggle with each other and whatever else can be done as a couple. They could also quarrel but the constellations (and love!) are actually too precious for this. A dispute could be the expression of a vehement desire.