Hi, i have read your profile and i hope u will read mine, and like it, i will understand if you are not interested and i dont here back from you. ,i too am looking for someone i can trust and be with for the rest of my life. i have just returned from a holiday in Thailand , i am not a 'bar girl' person so i guess i was a little lost, but i was so impressed with your country and the friendly manner of its people i have decided i want to move there permanently, Australia is so expensive now compared to Thailand. i am looking for places to rent, i am so excited!!!!. There is not much more i can tell you about myself other than what is in my profile, i am honest and committed and want to be with someone the same, what do you think? I am very serious about a long term relationship i do not have time to play stupid games, i am for real and i will not play stupid childish games!
Thank you