One Summer Night" is a short, grotesque satire. A man named Henry Armstrong has been buried but is not dead. (This was not uncommon in the 1800's, as doctors could not distinguish a coma from death.)
Two unnamed medical students are looking for a fresh cadaver to dissect. The cemetary has a black caretaker named Jess who has a sideline selling corpses of the recently deceased. Armstrong hears noises as his grave is dug up. As his casket is lifted out and opened by Jess so the students can take the body, he sits up, frightening the medical students who run away.
The next morning the students are still in shock but go into their dissection room to find that Jess had smashed Henry Armstrong in the head with a spade, killing him, and he wants to be paid for the corpse who is really dead now and lying naked on their dissection table.
One Summer Night" is a short, grotesque satire. A man named Henry Armstrong has been buried but is not dead. (This was not uncommon in the 1800's, as doctors could not distinguish a coma from death.) Two unnamed medical students are looking for a fresh cadaver to dissect. The cemetary has a black caretaker named Jess who has a sideline selling corpses of the recently deceased. Armstrong hears noises as his grave is dug up. As his casket is lifted out and opened by Jess so the students can take the body, he sits up, frightening the medical students who run away. The next morning the students are still in shock but go into their dissection room to find that Jess had smashed Henry Armstrong in the head with a spade, killing him, and he wants to be paid for the corpse who is really dead now and lying naked on their dissection table.
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