The RS content and DS of native starch and treated starch are
shown in Table 1. Among the HMT starches, the HMT-20 got the
highest RS content among the samples. This result was consistent
with the report of Li et al. (2011). They claimed that the moisture
content was the key factor in RS formation during HMT. The reason
might be that water creates hydrogen bonds between molecular
chains within the starch granule (Kurakake, Noguchi, Fujioka, &
Komaki, 1997). After CA treatment, the RS content increased
dramatically in comparison with the controls. However, there was
no significant rise when the starch was treated with the 20%
moisture. The moisture content of the native SPS was 12.53%. The
DS increased from 0.135 to 0.207 with the water contents of starch