3.2.3. Adsorption isotherm
Analysis of isotherm data is very important for predicting
adsorption capacity and adsorption behavior of adsorbent. In this
work, the Langmuir and Freundlich equations (Langmuir, 1918;
Freundlich, 1906) were employed to simulate the adsorption isotherms.
The isotherm parameters obtained from the Freundlich
and Langmuir models and the fittings of these models to the experimental
data for the MO adsorption onto the PAC-HNO3 and
10Fe3O4/PAC-HNO3 are given in Table 3 and Fig. 3c. The Langmuir
model fitted well with the isotherm date of the MO adsorption
onto both of the PAC-HNO3 and the 10Fe3O4/PAC-HNO3. The maximum
MO adsorption capacity of the 10Fe3O4/PAC-HNO3 was close
to that of the PAC-HNO3. For both the sorbents, the 1/n values lie in