Maltreatment of Animals
1 Anyone who intentionally
a. maltreats an animal, seriously neglects or overworks it (Art. 22, para. 1);
b. cruelly puts an animal to death (Art. 22, para. 2, let. a);
c. kills animals wantonly, especially by using tame or captive animals for target-practice (Art. 22, para. 2, let. b);
d. organises fights between or with animals, in the course of which the latter are maltreated or killed (Art. 22, para. 2, let. c);
e. in the course of an experiment, inflicts pain, suffering or injury to an animal when the purpose of the experiment could
have been otherwise achieved (Art. 16, para. 1)
shall be liable to imprisonment or fine.
2 If the guilty party has acted through negligence, he shall be liable to arrest or a maximum fine of 20,000 Swiss Francs.