Yusu hara, Takaoka. Kochi. Japan
.ms wooden tawn hall was for a municipality that is dependent on rereelry. The
atrium in the centre ol the building is an intericnzed town square. with a bank, an
agricultural cooperative and services windows arranged lacing into the atrium. An
enormous door that would not be out ol place in an aeroplane hangar separates
the atrium from the outdoors; lrom April to October. this door is opened end air»
cor,dilioning lor the office spaces is turned off. Solar panels cover the entire rool,
and a ‘Cool tube' was installed in the basement to minimize energy consumption.
lnstalled in the atrium is a small, movable stage, Intended lor kagura, a perfor-
mance art traditional to Yusuhara. which ie equipped with rollers under the lloor.
The lact that the stage is portable has made lt possible lor kagura to be performed
in dillerent locations across the city, which is appropriate as it was originally meant
to strengllle" a Sense 0' Commumw 'in Japanese towns and villageslhe decision
to install a stage here was borne out ol a desire to revive` through the perlor-
mances. that sense oi community, which has been lost as a result ol television and
the internet and olher distractions ol the modern age.