Individuals in this latent class had a higher probability of having been diagnosed with major depressive disorder (according to DSM-IV)
in addition to schizophrenia than individuals in the other two latent classes. The average age at assessment was 45.21 years (SE = 0.48), and the average age of onset of schizophrenia was 21.43
years ( S E = 0.27 ). Only some of the individuals in this class (9%) had been diagnosed with substance use disorders before the onset of schizophreniaAbout. one-third of the patients had a family history of psychosis ( 31 %). Despite treatment, the average number of acute symptoms during a 2-day interval prior to the diagnostic interview was 4. 47 ( S E = 0. 06). Latent Class 2 consisted of 234 individuals (19% ) with a high probability of reporting a buse of alcohol and illegal
substances. The majority of patients in this latent class were male
(81% ).