In this doctoral thesis, the study protocol for analysis of asthma incidence
exacerbations in children asthma under the influence of environmental conditions (air
pollution, microclimate and habitat, dwellings characteristics of investigated subjects)
consisted of standardized questionnaires, medical examination and evaluation of these
environmental conditions. Additional questionnaire focused on current symptoms and
history of respiratory diseases investigated subjects and their families. The main investigated
pollutans were Particle Materials PM2.5 şi PM10 during 2011-2012 period and also for
previous years both in the metropolitan area of Bucharest as well as in Roşiori de Vede
town, placed in the South-Eastern part of Romania. I have presented the evidence of the air
pollutants effects on asthma patients among children, studies that have focused on the
analysis of limitations of induced respiratory capacity and the efficiency of applied asthma