In additiron to the growingproblem and prevalence of hoa
kah smoking, hookah lounges and cafes have almost doubled
in the last 6 years in the United States. In 20O6, the American
Lung Association Tobacco Policy Project estimated that there
were 20O-300 hookah lotrnges and cafes operating in the United
States (American Lung Association, 2OO). However, a recent
online searchfor "hookah" and "Califomia" atthe BetterBusi-ness Bureau ( and Hoovers fi-rll business data-base ( ITeb sites revealed a total of 2,242
shops that sell hookah tobacco and related products, in addi-tion to 175 hookah lounges and cafes in Califomia alone, of
which a disproportionate majority are located in tos Angeles
near universities and college campuses.