Therefore, in the hand of queen Sir, played running around in circles, but cannot bump into queen Sir half, that called miserable.
„The cat that Chu Feng, my first seeing, can speak, what taste does not know this cat, otherwise we have cooked it, tastes?” Queen Sir grinning saying.
„Don't.” Hears this words, that old cat was immediately anxious, hurries to say to Chu Feng: „Boy, you made this smelly little girl put this Sir quickly, this Sir can help you find that tomb.”
„You know that I am look for that tomb?” Hears this words, Chu Feng is also the vision slightly changes, Cold voice asked.
„Nonsense, you are not look for that tomb, why to arrange to seek for tomb formation there?” The old cat said.
„What Thing are you?” Chu Feng asked.
„First lets this smelly little girl, puts this Sir.” Old cat furiously was roaring.
Sees that Chu Feng has caused a meaningful glance to Eggy, after Eggy puts down this cat, Chu Feng then continues to ask: „Said that what Thing you are, will you speak the logical expression? Also how here, how also to know the matter of that tomb?”
„What Thing?”
„Ha-ha, said me to fear that scared to death you.” At this moment, the corners of the mouth of that old cat, raised unexpectedly have wiped, cat -type smile, and that wiped the smiling face is very self-satisfied.
However, his following words have not said that a Eggy palm of the hand has then gotten down, and falling maliciously on the head of that old cat.
After this palm of the hand, not only hits to lie that old cat on the ground directly, and both eyes brave Venus, has almost not fainted.
„Asked your words, you quickly said that was short in this idle talk, believed this queen, now has cooked you?” Queen Sir wicked saying.
„Your this smelly little girl, is now, dares to bully this Sir.”
„If in the past, this Sir one, can collapse 1000 you.”
„No, is not 1000, is 10,000, is 100.01 million.” The old cat is very angry saying.
„Oh, but also dares to blow, looked how this queen tidies up you.” Queen Sir spoke, then must get rid once again.
„Eggy.” Sees that Chu Feng hurries to prevent, and during speeches, that old cat entraining behind.
No matter this old cat knows the situation about here, but Chu Feng actually knows that Eggy can absolutely this old cat to the smashing that a palm of the hand claps.
But now, Chu Feng has not wanted to make this cat die.
Perhaps, this cat, really whether to find the key of tomb.
After all, has this kind of cat, in this kind of place, is very the fishy.
„Actually we are harmless, but wants to ask, the situation about that tomb, as well as, why you can here.” Chu Feng asked to that old cat.
„Em, the manner of your this boy is good, such being the case, that Sir told you.”
„This Sir here already many years.”
„But this is not the key point, the key point is you, so long as knows that this uncle comes to be very fierce, and this Sir knows how to find the tomb that vanishes to be OK.” The old cat said.