PIN code is used as the only way for the WPS authentication. You need to enter the PIN code that is generated by the wireless access client.
Step 1 Choose Settings > WLAN > WPS Settings.
Step 2 Enter the PIN code in the WPS PIN text box.
Step 3 Click Apply.
You can control and manage the clients accessing the WLAN and improve the WLAN security.
Step 1 Choose Settings > WLAN > WLAN MAC Filter.
Step 2 Select one SSID from the SSID Index drop-down list box.
Step 3 Select Disabled, Allow, or Deny for WLAN MAC Filter.
Disabled: The MAC address filter function is disabled.
Allow: Only the clients with addresses in the MAC Address list are allowed to connect to the device through the WLAN.
Deny: Only the clients with addresses in the MAC Address list are not allowed to connect to the device through the WLAN.
Step 4 Enter MAC addresses in the MAC Address area. The device can perform the access control over the clients whose MAC addresses are in the list.
Step 5 Click Apply.
To obtain the MAC address of the client in the Windows operating system (OS), do as follows:
Choose Start > Run, enter cmd, and then press Enter.
The command window is displayed, enter ipconfig /all, and then press Enter.
The MAC address of the client is displayed as the Physical Address.
Firewall Switch
Your device has a true firewall that controls the incoming and outgoing data flow and protects your computer from illegal intrusion.
Step 1 Choose Settings > Security > Firewall Switch.
Step 2 Select Enable the Firewall(main switch of the Firewall) to enable the firewall.
Other functions such as the IP address filter, WAN port ping, and LAN MAC address filter are available only when Enable the Firewall(main switch of the Firewall) is selected.
When the Enable LAN MAC Address Filter check box is selected, the default filter rules are available.
LAN IP Filter
You can configure the device to block specific IP addresses of the Internet service so that they cannot be accessed from specific IP addresses of the clients in the local network.
Step 1 Choose Settings > Security > LAN IP Filter.
Step 2 Configure the information as required.
Step 3 Click Apply.
Click Edit to change the selected item in the list.
Click Delete to remove the selected item in the list.
If you want to forbid the client ( to access (, set the following:
Protocol: TCP. The protocol of Web service is TCP. If you do not know the protocol, you can select ALL. The device can automatically search for the protocol.
Status: On. If you only want to configure the filter but enable it later, you can select Off.
LAN Start IP Address/LAN End IP Address:
To obtain the LAN IP address in the Windows OS, do as follows:
Choose Start > Run, enter cmd, and then press Enter.
The command window is displayed, enter ipconfig, and then press Enter.
The IP address is displayed.
WAN Start IP Address/WAN End IP Address:
To obtain the WAN IP address in the Windows OS, do as follows:
Choose Start > Run, and then enter cmd.
The command window is displayed, enter ping, and then press Enter.
The WAN IP address is displayed as [].
LAN Start Port/LAN End Port: 1/65535; WAN Start Port/WAN End Port: 2/80.
For the port and protocol, you can contact the service provider or access the official website of the Internet service.
Virtual Server
Your device supports the virtual server to enable external users to access WWW, FTP, or other services provided by the LAN.
Step 1 Choose Settings > Security > Virtual Server.
Step 2 Configure the information as required.
Name: Enter a service name provided by the LAN.
Status: Select On or Off.
WAN Port: Enter the WAN port of the LAN in which the computer provides services.
LAN Port: Enter the LAN port of the computer that provides services.
LAN IP Address:Specify a computer in the LAN to provide services.
Step 3 Select values for Protocol and Status.
You can also add a virtual server in the following way: Select a port from the Common Port list. The parameters will be set as the default values. If required, you can change them.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Click Edit to change the selected item in the list.
Click Delete to remove the selected item in the list.
To enable the client ( to provide an FTP service accessed by the external users, set the following:
Common Port: FTP (21)
Protocol: TCP
Status: On
Name:My FTP Server
LAN Port/WAN Port: 21
IP Address:
After the virtual server is established, the Internet users can access the FTP service.
1. Click Connection to get the WAN IP address of the device.
2. The WAN IP address of the device is displayed as the IP Address in the WAN Status area, suc